Theodoor (T.A.C.) Colenbrander
Theo Colenbrander (1841-1930) was originally a trained architect before he changed paths and decided to devote himself to the applied arts at the age of 44. Colenbrander’s renewing whimsical and abstract patterns used in his designs capture the new artistic vision developing at the end of the nineteenth century. This movement was looking for a depiction of nature in its most basic form, by stylizing and abstracting. Colebrander’s designs for pottery Rozenburg, where he worked in the period of 1884-1889, defined his distinctive style and was enthusiastically received for its unique new design.
With nature as the main inspiration source, Colenbrand’s designs show abstracted plant and flower shapes. Colenbrander designed both pottery and carpets and worked for several clients, including the potteries Rozenburg, Zuid-Holland, RAM and tapestry factory Amersfoort and the Royal Tapestry Factory of Deventer.