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At the beginning of the 20th century the Dutch city of Purmerend became an important centre for Art Nouveau pottery. This vase is an excellent example of Dutch Art Nouveau. The matte white glaze and hand-painted thin linear decoration is typical for the Purmerend pottery factory JB. Vet & Co (1903-1906). JB. Vet & Co was founded in 1903 by the brothers Jacob and Klaas Vet. This would become the third largest pottery factory of Purmerend called “Plateelbakkerij Purmerend”. Both brothers were skilled in the art when they started their own firm. Klaas had worked as a “modeller” for the well-known Amsterdam pottery factory “De Distel” and Jacob worked as a painter for the Brantjes pottery in Purmerend. The factory burned down in April 1906, the brothers decided to continue the production in Arnhem under a new name and mark "Arnhemsche Fayencefabriek".