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This pâte de verre glass object is designed by Richard Price (Hampshire, 1960). In this piece, Price combines a number of elements he frequently uses in his work. The top consists of a twisted column with a flower on top. This column is supported by a boatform which holds two birds, while the base is formed by two opposing fish on a blue sea. It is colored pink and blue, with a touch of gold. Richard Price alternately lives in Amsterdam and Thailand. After graduating a Bachelor’s degree in Art and Design in 1982, Price moved to Amsterdam to study the techniques of the glass. He did this under the supervision of Mieke Groot and Richard Meitner at the Rietveld Academy. After extensive study in France and Italy he became a master in the technique of casting (pâte de verre) and glass blowing. Under influence of his multiple stays in Thailand, which he embraces as his spiritual home, he uses extravagant colors and ornamentation in his work, as we can see in this colorful work of pâte de verre.